
Welcome to Aero Space Controls Corporation. Aero Space Controls has successfully served the aerospace industry since 1965. Based in Wichita, Kansas, the Air Capital of the World, Aero Space Controls Corporation serves as a leader in the industry as a qualified producer of complex aircraft valves, actuators, electric motors, sensors, fans, and air conditioning systems.
As an independently owned company, Aero Space Controls Corporation has earned a reputation for quality, price competitiveness, on-time delivery, and strong service and support for its products.

Aero Space Controls is pleased to announce its certification by the U.S Small Business Administration to the HUBZone Program. Aero Space Controls continues to invest in the future of our company, community, and support of our customers in the commercial and military aerospace/aircraft sectors.
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(316) 264-2875
(800) 959-2376
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