About Us
Mission Statement

It is the mission of Aero Space Controls Corporation to:

  • Produce products with unequaled quality standards.
  • Deliver its products on time.
  • Sustain its position as one of the industry's low cost producers.
  • Provide industry technology leadership in product innovation, design, and development.
  • Conduct its business fairly and ethically in order to ensure that its customers, employees, suppliers, and the public-at-large benefit from its actions.
System Development
With its array of products and engineering expertise, Aero Space Controls can provide system development in such areas as Environmental Control Systems and Control Surface actuation.
The company's production facilities and resources equip it with the ability to successfully undertake and complete complex aerospace projects, including concept and prototype development, testing, actual flight simulation, and calibration of pneumatic valves.
Engineering Design and Development
Aero Space Controls focuses on maintaining strong engineering design and development capabilities.  The company's engineering resources and facilities include state of the art testing equipment, computer-aided design, modeling, and engineering analysis.
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(316) 264-2875
(800) 959-2376
Copyright 2013 Aero Space Controls Corporation